1. Vacuum :
You must do regular and thorough vacuuming. Please pay more attention on traffic areas and try to do it twice a week but if you can do it every day that is perfect.
2. Direction :
Try to change the vacuuming position occasionally to help stand the pile upright and reduce matting.
3. Blood On Carpet :
Don’t worry use some sponge or white paper towel with plain cold water to remove blood. Please don’t rub the blood spot just do blotting thoroughly try to take it out as much as you can or call the professionals.
4. Gum :
To remove gum from carpets use air duster spray on it, spray the duster spray on gum let it sit for 5 minutes and then just scrub it. Sometimes it works but be careful don’t damage your carpet or just call the professionals.
5. Pet Urine :
Take some warm water with paper towel or sponge and start blotting on the urine stain please do it thoroughly, you can’t get it all out but it can be better than before.
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